Sunday 11 April 2010

Sun Soaked!

These little girlies have been sun soaked over the past few days. Bea, the more plumpscious pig, lies replete, stuffed with spring grass and sunshine. Dora is more modest and is a trimmer and all together stream lined pig. I love it when they flump with their skinny ankles out-stretched in a pool of sun light.
The hound, yesterday, managed to find the sole swamp in the forest. ( Forever a retriever) and lay with the shining eyes of happiness of a basking hippo! I have become quietly resigned to his love of mud. One cannot be house proud with such a big,hairy dog. He, then dripping swamp, found a pile of leaves and rolled, delightedly, in them and ran tar and feathered! Fine if you are not going out immediately. Bad news if you are. So I kept him down-stairs and put the Dyson on the stairs to deter. He is scared, witless, of the Dyson...but not today! Came home and down shot the hound, rejoicing at my return, having been luxuriating on our bed. Curious at how the draw of ones bed can over come the utter fear of the scary Dyson! Oh fickle,fickle hound! And even today the shopping bags became a phantom in the ktichen not to be passed.

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