Sunday 4 April 2010

Easter Feast

As my friends will tell you, my reputation for cake making has never been up there in my top 10. Great bomb-craters. Fantastic creations risen to the size of a padded envelope! Rachel Allen can rest in her floral pinny that there is ABSOLUTELY no competition from this side of the Downs. I do,however, have one culinary ammunition to my name, and that is meringues. Crispy and yet deliciously chewy on the inside. Friends and I feasted to the point of having to be very quiet after lunch. There is nothing as pleasurable as eating good food with good friends.
I have come along way with my love of food. This I am forever in gratitude to my friends for taking me along a new path. For years I had a more than cranky relationship with it, opting for lesser things.
My dear friend and I are frequently seen eating breakfasts of bread and butter and hard boiled eggs somewhere on the Downs with the hounds. (Hard boiled eggs always remind me of Sizewell nuclear power station in shape!) To sit on a field roller and drink tea in the middle of a field is,well, just a taste of heaven as the larks "drop their silver chain of sound" around us.
I am finding the use of a keyboard more than frustrating as my voice on paper is formulated, but here it comes across as stilted and broken. Still, bear with me. I certainly will not be hoofing off for a job in a typing pool, that's for sure!
Sorry, Big B that you were not here to share it. Hope you like the picture instead! x

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