Friday 9 April 2010

The Nuture Hut

My soul is restored having spent all day in the garden. I planted and potted and sewed and am left with the deep satisfaction of knowing that the veg garden lives once again and will profer up it's sacred offerings in the fulness of time. (Slugs permitting!)
I love my shed. I love the smell of warm wood and soil especially when my little green plants grow contentedly in their cots of compost. I read in there too. In fact I finished my book resting my feet on the bag of compost between digging the potato trenches. Warm and sun fillled I thought about my Nana's shed. It was small and only used for storing garden bits and pieces, and yet Nana hung up a pair of curtains at the solitary window and it became mine. All I could do was sit between the lawn mower and deck chairs but I was happy to be. Room to read. Room to entertain Charlie the garden gnome, Fifi, Nana's poodle nightie case and Heidi, the German doll to a tea party and good wholesome chat.
Along the outside of the shed grew runner beans along the zip wire of string. It was my job on our Friday lunches to pick enough for 3. I'm sure that Nana did cook other things but my lasting memory is of tiny lamb chops, new potatoes, the beans and mint sauce served in a crystal boat. And then, of course, there appeared the sponge flan filled with tinned fruit cocktail and orange jelly served with a pool of evapourated milk. I loved it.
The frog spawn has all virtually hatched and the pond shimmies with little quivering black commas. We have gained an extra newt too. I wonder if they eat the frog spawm as the amount that was the does not tally with the handful I can see. Tis life.
The blackbirds seem to have given up on their nest. Probally left in disgust at the nosey neighbour who watched un-abashed as they built and wove their home! The blue tits have, however, taken up the rented accomadation in both boxes which is quite lovely. The cost of seed and fat balls is monumental!
My day ends and I hope for another one as good and sun rich as today.
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1 comment:

  1. My soul is being nurtured on a regular basis!
    Once all those house whiffy chores have been completed ( so ha, ha bloomin' not)I am there, soil under the finger nails, potting, planting, sowing, the lot. And Howard has been enticed out! The good news was that he installed a new pump in the pond. The bad news was the whole operation became very expensive when his once-in-pocket mobile thought it was a diving beetle and ended up in pond sludge.
    it's drying out......
    We donned overalls and wellies and the spiders were outed from the greenhouse. The floor in there is cleaner than the one in my kitchen. Pause. Actually, that isn't that tricky to achieve.
    My enforced retirement isn't all bad....
