Thursday 10 June 2010

Rip off!

Nothing like it! Now, I am not a rich lady but I do occasionally like to lunch and have a suitable flying elephant piggy bank to save for those such times. I had one recently, and delighted myself in prizing the bottom out of the elephant to claim my bounty. Not enough for the entire works but sufficient for a jolly. Just a pity that I, very carelessly, and indeed, stupidly left a £10 note on the bed.
As some of you know, we have a dog. A dog that likes to spend a few minutes of his day nosing through waste paper baskets and shredding the paper. ( Yep! You can see the punch line coming now!) SO! A crispy piece of paper was too good an opportunity but to do what he always does with paper...SHRED!
I should have learnt the first time round when he virtually ate my new tax disc. Oh, and my glasses. Oh, and I mustn't forget 2 pairs of slippers. It was when he was a puppy though so I forgave and moved on.
I wonder if the bank will replace it?
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  1. This brought back some memories with the old cliche about telling the teachers the dog had ate your did happen for real one day, but as you all know, the teacher didn't buy it at all! I wonder what kind of excuses children come up with nowadays; 'Miss the dog ate my USB stick'? hahahaha!

    And yes, you can take it to the bank for a replacement as long as the numbers are still visible.

  2. My dog ate my book; it was only Captain Corelli's Mandolin - my favourite. I found it in pieces not much bigger than those making up your ten pound note. Emma
    PS Will be pouring the large G&T once home tomorrow night!
