Thursday 10 June 2010

Rip off!

Nothing like it! Now, I am not a rich lady but I do occasionally like to lunch and have a suitable flying elephant piggy bank to save for those such times. I had one recently, and delighted myself in prizing the bottom out of the elephant to claim my bounty. Not enough for the entire works but sufficient for a jolly. Just a pity that I, very carelessly, and indeed, stupidly left a £10 note on the bed.
As some of you know, we have a dog. A dog that likes to spend a few minutes of his day nosing through waste paper baskets and shredding the paper. ( Yep! You can see the punch line coming now!) SO! A crispy piece of paper was too good an opportunity but to do what he always does with paper...SHRED!
I should have learnt the first time round when he virtually ate my new tax disc. Oh, and my glasses. Oh, and I mustn't forget 2 pairs of slippers. It was when he was a puppy though so I forgave and moved on.
I wonder if the bank will replace it?
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